are we friends how well do you know me are we friends, enemies, archrivals or lovers find out now! jimmyguy125 published on February 17, 2021 Stacked 1/10 gaming apparatus of choice ps5 Xbox Pc switch phone Samsung smart fridge i don't game 2/10 what starwars film/tv show is the best a new hope empire strikes back return of the jedi the phantom menace attack of the clones revenge of the sith force awakens the last jedi rise of skywalker rouge one solo clone wars the madalorian rebels all starwars shows/movies are bad 3/10 favorite mode of transpiration subaruwu weiny mobile truck tesla lambo bike roller blades longboard other 4/10 favorite hobby biking gaming snowboarding watching all the spy kids movies longboarding building things art watching the office swimming other 5/10 age 0-13 14-16 17-21 6/10 say my name jimmyguy125 jimmyman125 jimmybaby jimmybro125 jimmytraitor!! jimmy holden 7/10 pick one kamala harris donald trump joe biden andrew yang barack obama bernie sanders other 8/10 Pathfinder? hell yeah when and where what's pathfinder no i prefer d&d 9/10 cats or dogs dogs cats other i don't like animals 10/10 if given a ticket to mars or the moon would you go hell yeah hell no sure why not no