Black, white, clear or grey magic?

Black, white, clear or grey magic?

The color of your magic, but instead of traditional black and white, there will be clear and grey both in this quizzy. Don't expect it to be too accurate, now.

published on August 05, 2015

How do you usually treat other people?

How do you usually treat other people?
Kindly and with respect, you keep your distance.
You hardly take notice of others and go about your business as usual.
Jittery and nervous, you want to get away from them as soon as possible!

You're working on a difficult task and are beyond frustrated!
When do you stop?

You're working on a difficult task and are beyond frustrated! When do you stop?
Good enough is good enough.
Only when it's PERFECT!
When you become too frustrated to continue.

What kinds of deeds do you feel you do more often?

What kinds of deeds do you feel you do more often?
Bad deeds.
Good deeds.
Equal amounts of good and bad
You tend to keep more to yourself.

What kind of person do you need as a friend?

What kind of person do you need as a friend?
Someone to show you the bright side of a situation.
Someone to bring you out of your comfort zone and get down and dirty.
Probably someone like or similar to yourself.

You've had a really cruddy day.
How do you manage this?

You've had a really cruddy day. How do you manage this?
Get revenge if anyone in particular made it bad. If no one did, brood on the subject for a while until it's been turned over
enough times to make it seem li...
Get angry or sad, but also try to take your mind off of it.
Things like that happen, no big deal.
Relax, eat, maybe read a book or watch TV to take your mind off it.

What emotions do you feel most strongly/often?

What emotions do you feel most strongly/often?
Anger, fear, negative emotions
Calm, bravery, positive emotions
Every emotion, but none are overpwering
Switches between all emotions strongly

What type of energy do you mostly experience?

What type of energy do you mostly experience?
Both Positive and Negative