Which Disney Princess Are You? (5) Choose between All the classic Disney princesses, and Anna, Merida, and Rapunzel! Poodle10 published on May 26, 2014 Stacked 1/7 At school, who are you? The popular one The nature-loving one The athlete The lazy one The bookworm The newbie The quiet one The unpopular one The overachiever The artist The rich girl The tomboy 2/7 What do you value most in a friend? Equality Niceness Laziness Braveness Honesty Willingness 3/7 What sport do you like playing the most? Baseball Skateboarding Motorcycling Skiing Golf Horseback Riding Fencing Volleyball Pool Track Basketball Tennis 4/7 What's your favorite color? Blue Green Purple Sea-green Pink Yellow Red Brown White 5/7 In a party, which person would you be? The person who beats everyone at video games The person who loses video games The competitive video game player The sleeper The person taking selfies The person laughing at the person who loses video games The person laughing their heart out The person who has to clean up The person smashing cans on their foreheads 6/7 During a card game, who would you be? The winner The second placer The laugher The book reader The bored one The confused one The sleeper The cool one 7/7 What type of instrument do you like to play? Flute Guitar Organ Piano Accordion Drum Violin Bass Trumpet Tuba Clarinet