How much do we have in common? (1)

How much do we have in common? (1)

I wonder how much in common we both have. Take this quiz and let's see. I'll tell you things I love and some things I hate, so we can compare. Things I love: Classical music, fancy clothes, old-fashioned clothes as it is shown on my profile picture, powdered wigs, frock coats, breeches, elaborate decorations, exquisite patterns, Baroque fashion, Rococo fashion, chocolate, cake, orchestra, Baroque and Rococo furniture, piano, reading, and houses in Baroque and Rococo styles. Things I hate: Latest fashion trends, make-up, nail polish, pop music, rock music, punk music, all other types of modern music except classical music, non-fancy outfits, short hair, scary stuff, screaming, loud noises, ripped clothes, crying, new fashion, shopping, and crowded places.

published on May 31, 2014

What are your thought about loud noises and screaming?

What are your thought about loud noises and screaming?
I love loud noises! This is the reason why the songs I listen to include lots of screaming.
I'm fine with loud noises. I listen to them sometimes, but not all the time.
I hate loud noises. It hurts my ears, and I have a strong tendency to cover my ears. I
generally prefer quieter music.

Do you like crowded places?

Do you like crowded places?
Yes, I love crowded places. People often call me a party animal. I'm also the life of a
Crowded places are fine. I don't get bothered by them more than the average person. I
don't mind crowded areas.
No, I hate crowded places. I prefer to be alone and mind my own business rather than
wasting my time in crowded areas.

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite color?
Lime green.
Dark green.
Cyan blue.
Light purple.
I have more than one favorite color. I have two or more favorite colors mentioned above.
I don't have a favorite color/I don't like colors/I love all colors.

What's your opinion about the outfits the people are wearing shown in this picture?

What's your opinion about the outfits the people are wearing shown in this picture?
I love how they look. The clothes are very elaborate and nicer than the fashion we have
today. I'm planning to dress up in those suits for Halloween or othe...
They're ok. I'll only dress up like them for Halloween if I want to.
I hate those outfits. I'm not very fond of fancy fashion like that. Actually, I prefer the
latest fashion trends. The outfits are not my style.

What's your opinion about on the latest fashion trends?

What's your opinion about on the latest fashion trends?
I love the latest fashion trends. I always try my best to be the first in line to get the latest
and newest fashion there is right now.
Modern fashion if ok. I'm not that crazy for fashion.
I hate the latest fashion. I prefer older clothes.

How much do you love eating sweets? E.g. Cake, chocolate, candy, etc.

How much do you love eating sweets? E.g. Cake, chocolate, candy, etc.
I enjoy eating sweets and desserts. I would love to crave sweets everyday. I eat a lot of
I enjoy eating them sometimes. It depends on what I want. I eat sweets sometimes.
I don't enjoy eating sweets. I hate the taste. I eat none or a few.

What do you think about orchestra and piano concerts.

What do you think about orchestra and piano concerts.
I play or wish to play an instrument and I enjoy playing in those concerts.
I play or listen to orchestra and piano concerts, but I'm ok with them.
I'm not interested in concerts like that. It's not my style. I hate to join those concerts.

What do you think about this picture frame style? Do you like furniture with that type of decoration?

What do you think about this picture frame style? Do you like furniture with that type of decoration?
I love it! I wish I could have fancy furniture. I love how they took their time to carve all
those details. I would decorate a whole house with these types.
It's ok. I might decorate only a few rooms with these if I want to.
It looks overdone. I hate it when things get too fancy around here. I prefer furniture with
simple, casual decorations. The picture frame is not my style.

Are you a picky eater?

Are you a picky eater?
Yes, I'm a picky eater. I hate the taste of vegetables or vice versa. I tend to avoid many
types of food.
I'm kind of a picky eater. I only hate certain types of food. I sometimes avoid certain
types of food.
No, I'm not a picky eater. I don't have a type of food I hate. I eat fine. I don't throw a lot
of food away.

Do you enjoy playing sports activities? E.g. soccer, basketball, football, etc.

Do you enjoy playing sports activities? E.g. soccer, basketball, football, etc.
Yes, it's one of my favorite activities.
It's ok. I don't mind if I have to play in a team. It depends.
I hate sports. I prefer to stay indoors instead of going outside to get dirty.

What are your thoughts about reading books?

What are your thoughts about reading books?
I love to read.
Reading is ok.
I'm too lazy to read... I hate reading.

What are your thoughts about modern day music? E.g. pop, rock, scene/emo, etc.

What are your thoughts about modern day music? E.g. pop, rock, scene/emo, etc.
I love to listen to them. I really have an obsession over a band/singer that I really don't
have control of. I also love their songs. I love feeling the vib...
Modern day music is fine. I don't have a strong obsession on any of the artists, but I like
their songs.
I hate the music we have today. The songs are too loud and the beats don't sound good. I
prefer older songs.

What's your opinion about classical music?

What's your opinion about classical music?
I love it so much! The songs are beautiful and exquisitely written. I listen to classical
music almost everyday.
Classical music is ok. I only listen to it when I'm depressed or relaxing.
I hate classical music. It's very annoying, and it hate the sounds of it. It puts me to sleep.
The songs are not my style.

What are your thoughts about ripped jeans, Mohawks, and chains?

What are your thoughts about ripped jeans, Mohawks, and chains?
I love it! I'm a gangsta yo! I wear 'em everyday. Chains, ripped outfits, and Mohawks are
I'm ok with them. I wear ripped jeans sometimes/always, but it depends.
I hate how today's society is wearing sloppy clothes like these. I prefer neat and formal

Do you like putting make-up, scented perfume, and nail polish everyday?

Do you like putting make-up, scented perfume, and nail polish everyday?
Yes, I enjoy wearing make-up, perfume, and nail polish. I can't live nor leave the house
make-up on.
I'm ok with make-up, perfume, and nail polish. I'm not too obsessed with it.
I hate make-up, perfume, and nail polish. They bother me when I have it on, or I don't
have time to
put it on.

Do you like shopping in the mall and other stores?

Do you like shopping in the mall and other stores?
Yes, I love shopping. I can't stop buying many things from the stores. I also love to hang
out at the mall/store with my friends.
Shopping is ok. I only shop if I need to.
No, I hate shopping. What a waste of time! I generally prefer to stay at home rather than
go shopping.