Bitchez Take this quiz to see who you are most like in squad. The people include Emily, Lindsey, Izzy, Sam, Nathalia, Carolyn, and Frankie. Emilyw published on October 12, 2016 Stacked 1/8 What is your favorite series on Netflix. Greys anatomy Friends CSI Shameless Secret life of the American teenager Stranger things 2/8 What is your house normally used as Sleep over after drunk night Having people over Movie night School sleepovers 3/8 What role are you seen as in your group The bitchy one to others that don't know you The one that always studies The one that always has people over The nice one The one who doesn't care 4/8 Based on the sport you do now which one of these sports relates to you the most Karate Soccer Volleyball Dancing Cheerleading Softball Gymnastics 5/8 What is your go-to take out dinner King wing Catered affair Sushi Applebees I don't order out 6/8 Who is your favorite music artist Mac Miller Blink 182 Taylor Swift Frank Ocean Any rapper 7/8 What is an excuse you use when you don't wanna hangout "Sorry I have a lot of homework" "My mom won't let me out" "I'm going to the gym" "I have dance" "It's my dads birthday" "I'm gonna take a nap" 8/8 If you were to die what animal would you choose to be in your next life A bee A sloth Alpine ibex A skunk A koala A kitten An ostrich