Which Avenger/Belbin Role are you?

Which Avenger/Belbin Role are you?

Dr Meredith Belbin is a UK researcher who found that groups need the right mix of people to be effective. His research identified 9 types of people with their strengths and weaknesses. Nick Fury very carefully chose the Avengers based on their skill and their ability to add value to the team. Although he had the choice of many of the superheros in the Marvel Universe he realised the importance of choosing the right people for the task at hand.

published on October 03, 2015

which phrase do you think best describes you?

Do not disturb genius at work
There is no excuse for not being perfect
Management is the art of getting other people to do all the work and think you are doing them a favour
I'll get things started, you jump in when everything is done
let's weigh up the alternatives and come to the right decision, not the easiest decision
If I am doing my job right everyone is getting along and no one knows why
It is better to know a lot about something, then a little about everything

which phrase do you think best describes you?

Good ideas always seem strange at first
Perfection is only just good enough
I may be blunt but at least I am on the point
Never assume that silence means approval
Better to take the time to make the right decision then make the wrong decision quickly
If people listened to themselves more they would talk less
A committee is the work of 12 people doing the work of one

Do you like to make sure people follow your decision?

Always - even at the detriment of the team
Most of the time
Some of the time
I follow what is best for the team
I will do what is needed but prefer to stay out of the decision making
I will perform the task best needed by the team

Do you like to always be in control?

All the time
Most of the time
Does not matter to you
Some of the time
It depends on the needs of the team

Do you like to work on individual projects?

All the time
Most of the time
Some of the time
I prefer to work with a team
Never ever