Austin and ally p quiz Personality quiz who r u are you Austin ally trish or des lets see which character u are Emmaalvino published on January 13, 2016 Stacked 1/10 What's your lowest grade on a quiz or test 00 Who cares 60 80 2/10 What is your favorite design Animal print Crazy patterns with bright colors Butterflies Nothing really 3/10 Something nobody can tuch My book My guitar My favorite purse My suspenders 4/10 What do you do on rainy days Throw a party Read and do homework Go to your friends party and make a fool of yourself Go to the mall 5/10 What's your idea in a bf or gf Pretty Nice and intelligent Herself and nice and different Cute and won't care if I'm mean 6/10 Your favorite tv show (or fav out of these 4) Yo gabby gabba National geographic or discovery life shows Americas got talent Sports 7/10 Fave sport Instrument dominos Basket ball I hate sports especially dodgeball Shopping 8/10 What do you do at the beach Read Surf Tan Search for tressure 9/10 One character trait that explains you Hyper Sweet Animal print Wild 10/10 Your musical or art talent Songwriting and singing Singing and dancing Acting Tap dancing or directing or non