Which Warrior cat couple describes your relationship? Ok this has many couples from the New Prophecy and the original and there theme songs i hope you like this Froststar_Leader_Of_Thunderclan published on October 26, 2014 Stacked 1/9 What does it mean? It means that Starclan says there is happiness ahead It means that prey in the forest will be twice as easy to find It means that there will be peace between clans It means we will be together for ever It means that we will forever happy together 2/9 Which song is your favorite? Cooler Than Me When You're Gone Thousand Years Too Close What Makes You Beautiful 3/9 Are you in the same clan as your lover? Yes Yes. No No. No.. 4/9 Would you die for your lover? Yes Yes. Maybe Maybe. No 5/9 Favorite She-cat? Squirrelflight Leafpool Silverstream Bluestar Brightheart 6/9 Favorite Tom cat? Brambleclaw Crowfeather Graystripe Oakheart Cloudtail 7/9 Which Clan? Thunder Wind River River. Thunder. 8/9 Choose . .. ... , ,, 9/9 Should you be seeing this person? No, If i was caught i would get a punishment from TWO clans! No, We are in different clans No, I had to give up my kits to him to become deputy :(( Yes, Starclan has destend us to be together Yes, She is very beautiful but doesnt realize it