Are YOU- Smarter Than A Kindergartener?

Are YOU- Smarter Than A Kindergartener?

I was bored so I made this quiz! I bet everyone will fail! XD! I bet everyone will fail ON PORPUSE! XD!

published on March 04, 2015

Jackie the Hedgehog has 5/5 marbles. 3/5 of the marbles are red. If she gives Marbles the Hedgebat 2/5 of the red marbles, how many red marbles will Jackie have left?

Jackie the Hedgehog has 5/5 marbles. 3/5 of the marbles are red. If she gives Marbles the Hedgebat 2/5 of the red marbles, how many red marbles will Jackie have left?
1/5 red marbles left
4 turtles ?

If 4xY= 4, What does Y Equal?

If 4xY= 4, What does Y Equal?

Is red a color?

Is red a color?
Yes. It is a color.
No. It is the name of my cat.

What Does 2+2 Equal?

What Does 2+2 Equal?

Who was the first president of the USA?

Who was the first president of the USA?
George Washington
Barney the Dinosaur :3