Personality Quiz For Multiple Shows and Movies Personality Quiz For Multiple Shows and Movies words words stuff more words. FishLover published on June 13, 2014 Stacked 1/14 What comes first to you? Family Country/Kingdom/Homeland Friends Yourself Your valuables Your Freedom 2/14 What would you wish for, if you had one wish? To be King of Everything For the world to be at peace To be immortal 3/14 A house near you begins to burn down. What do you do? Laugh, and let it burn. Rush inside immediatly, and save every last person, even if it means killing yourself. Try to save the people that are easy to get to Run. 4/14 Where do your loyalties lie? With my superiors With my friends I'm loyal to none The highest bidder 5/14 You are told that you are the only one who can stop thousands from dying Immediatly accept your role, and do what you need to. Tell them to find someone else; you have better things to do 6/14 You pass a homeless person on the street. You... Keep Walking Give them a small portion of your money. Help them find a place to live, and get their life back on track 7/14 Do you prefer to spend time alone, or with people? Alone With people 8/14 Do you and your friends find you funny? Everyone finds me funny No one thinks I'm funny, including me. I think I'm funny, but most other people don't 9/14 An evil lord attacks the good peoples. What do you do? Help the good people. Hide until the war is over Do nothing Wait to see who's winning, then join their team 10/14 What is your average grade? Below 50 (F) 91-100(A) 51-60(D) B's and C's (61-90) 11/14 What is your favorite subject? None, I hate school. Space, Astronomy, and Alien Theories! Mythology, and Legends I love all subjects! Phys-Ed(PE) and other athletics 12/14 What category is your dream job in? Protecting people Teaching/Advising Ruling/Commanding Exploring/Traveling Gardening/Farming 13/14 What is your relationship with your dad like? He's my best friend! I never knew him I hate him He's alright 14/14 How many friends do you have? None One - Three 4-7 8+