Could This Quiz Make You Unconscious Could this quiz possibly make you unconscious? I have to type more in the description. MysticalScribbles published on July 01, 2015 Stacked 1/12 Why have you come here? I don't know? Just seemed nice The duck told me to 2/12 Can I haz burgers? What? Sure... *Throws a bunch of burgers around* 3/12 Look! A triangle! Why should I look at it? Okay ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!! 4/12 Excessive capitalization is not allowed I don't get it Okay AJKJGFCXNMKHGFDFGHKLUYTRDXCNMLYTDAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! 5/12 Define Weird This quiz Crazy My life 6/12 Who is the salad queen? I don't know A pewdiepie character Are faithful ruler 7/12 What's behind door number one? I DON"T KNOW. A prize? The answer to the universe 8/12 What some chips? NO. sure *takes a chip* *Snatches bag out of my hands and eats it all* What? it was DORITOS. 9/12 Dubstep OKay Is that music? ASDOFDSDFGHJKMHGFDSNMLIUYTRESWAZKLUYTRDESZXCVBNMKGTFRDSEXCFVGHJ YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! 10/12 What is this? A REALLY STUPID QUIZ I don't know '\_(0.o)_/' lol SPARRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAA 11/12 Stars in the sky this test has zero nice SPACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! 12/12 Do you want to build a snowman? NO! Mabey Sure!