Could I Be The Girl For You? This is the sequel to my other quiz "Could You Be The Guy For Me" Anyway you've found out if I'd like you, now find out if YOU'D LIKE ME! kass1551 published on May 23, 2014 Stacked 1/10 I don't wear glasses, but u want a nerd? Ew no Smart but not nerd kind ya 2/10 What type of hair do you want ur gf to have Long- Straight Short- Straight Meduim- Straight Long- Curvy Short- Curvy Medium- Curvy 3/10 What do you want your gf's ethnic to be? Dark skinned Light skinned Mixed Other 4/10 I am bored so pick one 0-5 7 6 8 9 10 5/10 Which hair color do u want Blond/Dirty blond red/orange brown black Other 6/10 What Body Type Do You want your girlfriend to have? Very Skinny Kind of skinny Normal Kind of fat Fat 7/10 Personality u want Silly and crazy Smart Dumb All the above or other 8/10 What do you want to do with your gf? Play basketball Play video games Watch Tv Hang out at the movie together idk 9/10 Do you think you'll like me? idk yeah no maybe 10/10 What color eyes u want? Brown Blue Green Hazel Changing