What DBZ character are you? (2) Hey y'all this quiz will tell you if you are Goku, Bulma, Vegeta, or Piccolo Triggerdahedghog published on November 02, 2024 Stacked 1/5 Hey everyone this is my first quiz ever so sorry if it isn't the best. Lets get started. Sounds fun! ok...... Just tell me who I am! This sound stupid. 2/5 Alright first question which are you most afraid of? ( or which would you be afraid of as a DBZ character?) Needles and shots (you say before fainting) Losing my only friend Not being the strongest I don't know maybe a bad hair day? Me: rlly? 3/5 Alright so if you had to pick a gender for your result what would it be? What kind of question is that?! That's a Weird question A girl obviously I choose guy please. 4/5 If you and your friend are in a fight do you die to save your friend or let your friend die? I don't do friends I already died to save my friend they brought me back to life though Well I think my friend should die to save me it would be more romantic that way! Me: what is wrong with you!? I would die for my friend except I would probably never be in that situation I'm too strong to loose. 5/5 Alright that's all just one last question, how did you like the quiz? It was okay... It was amazing! It was really fun! It was terrible