Harry Potter House Quiz (2)

Harry Potter House Quiz (2)

What house are you in? Find out! Slytherin ,Ravenclaw,Gryffindor or Hufflepuff?

published on October 24, 2015

If you could have one pet, what would it be?

If you could have one pet, what would it be?
Squirrel, So cute but if they get angry they can be feisty little dudes!
Fox! Cunning, smart, brilliant, beautiful, and cute! Or hyena, they're like foxes, too.
Bear! Tough and caring! The are so smart, too.
Weasel or Barracuda! mischief and fierce! don't get get bit!(you probably will)

You find a polyjuice potion in an empty class room, what do you do?

You find a polyjuice potion in an empty class room, what do you do?
Use it for mischief! Who wants to be betrayed by Potter? mwahahahah!
Turn it over to a teacher! don't want to get in trouble, and who MADE it, anyways?
Don't drink it! who will it transform be into? Turn it over or find out whats in it, then use it, eventually
Use it for safe keeping, i might need it, but who will I turn into?

Some friend of Hagrid asks you to play A little Quittich! what do you do?

Sure! Lets get some practice in!
Haha! Yes! Lets see who's gonna be in the hospital wing now!
um, Sure! Maybe we can do something else that Quittich afterwards, too!
Sure! but I don't fully trust you! Ill keep an eye out, but you'e going DOWN!

Mrs.Norris is just sitting and Staring at you in the hallway! You're doing nothing wrong, What do you do?

Mrs.Norris is just sitting and Staring at you in the hallway! You're doing nothing wrong,  What do you do?
Give the stupid runt a good kick!
Is this really Mrs.Norris? Why is she staring at me? Ill find this out!
Give her a pat, keep walking! If she keeps staring i'll Go to a staff member or Filch
Whats up with that? ill try and see what she'll do, Is there anything suspicious I'm doing?

Snape offers you a chocolate frog! What do you do?

Okay! Snape wont hurt me! I wonder ho I'll get?
Hmmm... What are the odds of Snape hurting me? or just being nice? Hmmmmm.......
Snape will never hurt me! snatch it up!
Hmm. Okay! Snape wont hurt me! Take it and examine it later, Better to be Safe than Sorry!

You find black feathers Everywhere! What do you do?

You find black feathers Everywhere! What do you do?
Hmm.... Hey, what do you think of this? Group thinking!
Shame, Someone will have to clean this up.... Kick it all over the place! HA!
Somethings up! Or Errol is just delivering.
Oh! Pretty! Make a black feather bouquet with one rose in it and give it to Sprout!

A bludger is heading right towards you! but the snitch is right behind it! What do you do, seeker?

Have someone else take the Bludger, Snitch, C'mere!
Hmmmm. Duck and grab it! Then loop around!
Dodge and grab!
um.... Dodge the Bludger, turn around and chase the Snitch!

Lockhart is Forcing you to tell the class how great he is! What do you do

Lockhart is Forcing you to tell the class how great he is! What do you do
Lockhart,hmm, I don't want to lose points, I want to gain them, 'You're Amazing! Lockhart!' I got him to like me!
'Aye Lockhart! You're so Stupid a fly can outwit you! be smart for once!'
You're pretty Great! Simple,
very well,' You're pretty great.' Ugh. That hurt, i HATE that dimwit

Mmmmm! dessert! which one do you choose?

Pie! one half for me! the other for a face!
Mmmm! Cream puffs!
Treatacle fudge!
one? all! lets get sweet!

A Slytherin is asking for your sickles, Knuts and Galleons! What do you do?

A Slytherin is asking for your sickles, Knuts and Galleons! What do you do?
I can Buy you something if you like!
No! Reach in my pocket and 'accidentally' give him worms!
Aint no money gonna be taken from me! hope you like BROKEN NOSES!!!
No! Run and make him run into something!

It's your friend's , birthday! what do you get her?

Oh! ill get them a prank, HA!
Oh! ill get them a fancy quill! Pretty!
I'll get them A huge book full of cool things to do!
Tricks of Quittich!

Hagrid Is holding a unicorn foal! what do you do?

Take the Unicorn away for my own!
Tell Hagrid off! No mythical Creatures allowed, If not, Dumbledore, may I have you for a second?
Help Raise Hagrid's Unicorn! awwww, I MAY get permission, or ill do it in secret
Help Hagrid get rid of it!