what sword art online charecter are you?

what sword art online charecter are you?

i love sword art online, what charecter do you think you are? will you be kirito,Asuna,Sinon or Yui

published on December 15, 201559 responses 15
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do you get weaker or stronger in relationships

do you get weaker or stronger in relationships
Stronger to protect my partner
weaker, so my partner can save me
stronger, so my partner doesn't start any funny bisness until im ready
whats a relationship, eek theirs a fishy in the water looking at me weirdly, DADDY MAKE

do you rely on people do do stuff for you

do you rely on people do do stuff for you
NO, i am strong enough to handle stuff thank you
i don't really, but i help people who need stuff done
yes, i need my partner to do everything for me. just because im a girl.
wahhh, mommy come wipe my butt

What is your favourite thing to do in SAO

What is your favourite thing to do in SAO
Improve my skills, and fight strong monsters, trying to complete the game.
Go and get some people to adopt you, coz you can't live without a mommy and daddy
Fight side by side with someone, hopefully they will fall in love with you
Fight, and be powerful. Don't give up untill the very end!!!!

What would be the best game out of

What would be the best game out of

Who do you ship most

Who do you ship most
Kirito and anyone really.......
What's a ship?

What would your BF/GF kissed another person in front of you.

What would your BF/GF kissed another person in front of you.
Brake up with them, then avoid them
Run off and tell mommy and daddy about it
Grab both of them by the collor of there shirt, and beat them untill they turn black, blue
and purple!!!!!!

What is your choice weapon?

What is your choice weapon?
Sniper gun or maby bow and arrows seem cool
Short and skinny sword
Heavy long sword
I don't need wepons

What is your favourite colour? (Out of these)

What is your favourite colour? (Out of these)
Purple or blue
Black, just black
Green, black,grey or something Aqua

Do you like your parents?

Do you like your parents?
Kinda, they are strict though
Nope, that's why I moved out :P
My parents are dead
My adoptive mommy and daddy mean the world to me

What do you do to get what you want

What do you do to get what you want
I just cry and sob to my lover, they will give me whatever I want.
Wine "bbbbbbuuuuuttttt daddy I want the lllast taco it's not FFFFFAAAAAIIIIIIIIIRRRR"
I hardly get what I want, I just cast away the world and play video games. That carms
me down
Just, snap at them. I don't take crap from NO ONE