Would I date you? (29) Guys only.. I'm bored, so I thought I should make a quiz.. I'm actually interested in seeing if anyone would take it. Post in the comments your results Army_girl19 published on September 02, 2018 Stacked 1/7 Is honesty important? I don't care..... I just wanna have someone to mess around with.. Heck yeah!!! If you're mad at me, or just plain upset, I wanna know why and what I can do to help. 2/7 Would the relationship be 50/50? Meaning, is one person going to put in all of the effort, or is everything equal? Respect goes both ways Heck nah! I'm the man, and you do whatever I say!!! 3/7 Is communication important? For example, if I'm having a bad day, or if I'm mad at you, would you want me to talk it through with you, or just keep my mouth shut? Say whatever is on your mind, I mean, WHATEVER. We need to talk about everything and be on the same page STFU!!! You don't need to say anything.... So what if you're having a bad day? 4/7 What's your favorite quality in a girl? Her body... I just wanna... Mmm Her personality, her intelligence, her everything... 5/7 Be honest..... If you got to know me, would you wanna date me? Yeah, you seem amazing!! Nahhh there's a thot I wanna smash... See ya Idk 6/7 How do you handle stressful situations? I try to handle them the best I can.. F*** stressful situations... I'm gonna do whatever I can to avoid them 7/7 What would you want to do for a first date? Walk through down town at night and do whatever sounds fun Go on a romantic dinner Go to the movies You: "Go to wherever the heck I wanna go.. You don't have a say"