Would I date you? (29)

Would I date you? (29)

Guys only.. I'm bored, so I thought I should make a quiz.. I'm actually interested in seeing if anyone would take it. Post in the comments your results

published on September 02, 2018

Is honesty important?

Is honesty important?
I don't care..... I just wanna have someone to mess around with..
Heck yeah!!! If you're mad at me, or just plain upset, I wanna know why and what I can do to help.

Would the relationship be 50/50? Meaning, is one person going to put in all of the effort, or is everything equal?

Would the relationship be 50/50? Meaning, is one person going to put in all of the effort, or is everything equal?
Respect goes both ways
Heck nah! I'm the man, and you do whatever I say!!!

Is communication important? For example, if I'm having a bad day, or if I'm mad at you, would you want me to talk it through with you, or just keep my mouth shut?

Is communication important? For example, if I'm having a bad day, or if I'm mad at you, would you want me to talk it through with you, or just keep my mouth shut?
Say whatever is on your mind, I mean, WHATEVER. We need to talk about everything and be on the same page
STFU!!! You don't need to say anything.... So what if you're having a bad day?

What's your favorite quality in a girl?

What's your favorite quality in a girl?
Her body... I just wanna... Mmm
Her personality, her intelligence, her everything...

Be honest..... If you got to know me, would you wanna date me?

Be honest..... If you got to know me, would you wanna date me?
Yeah, you seem amazing!!
Nahhh there's a thot I wanna smash... See ya

How do you handle stressful situations?

How do you handle stressful situations?
I try to handle them the best I can..
F*** stressful situations... I'm gonna do whatever I can to avoid them

What would you want to do for a first date?

What would you want to do for a first date?
Walk through down town at night and do whatever sounds fun
Go on a romantic dinner
Go to the movies
You: "Go to wherever the heck I wanna go.. You don't have a say"