which Watamote character are you ? watamote is a really good anime and i love it. now that i don't have to go to school. i have more time to watch anime , listen to vocaloid and eat pocky YAY ! villainous_Hero published on December 31, 2016 Stacked 1/6 what's your favorite color ? green red orange pink purple blue yellow 2/6 what do you wanna be when you grow up ? artist police officer actor Dancer Singer show director teacher 3/6 which one best describes your persona ? Shy Dark Playful kind Joyful serious strict 4/6 what's your favorite holiday ? christmas halloween easter new years day valintines day thanksgiving saint patrick's day 5/6 what's your hobby ? playing sports watching anime danceing talking with friends cooking playing video games listening to music 6/6 pick a symbol broken heart Skull Star heart diamond flower music note