The Ultimate Mood Ring

The Ultimate Mood Ring

What's your mood right now? Are you excited? Are you sad? Determines your mood and gives you a way to either stay happy, turn the frown upside down, or something else!

published on June 16, 2015

Which of these colors best suits you right now?

Black or white
Red! No, blue! No, yellow! I can't choose!
I don't even know...

Which of these symbols do you think most describes you right now?

A tense, tightly wound string.
*sigh* Just a sad emoji or something.
A hulk! X-(
A person tapping their fingers on a desk, desperately staring at the screen. (What? I'm totally bored.)
A big, huge question mark. Or a long, long string of question marks.
A candle burnt out from both ends.
*sigh* I can't think right now. Please don't ask me that.

If a friend invited you over right now, what would you say?

Absolutely! I'll be right over!
Sure. Be there. In a minute. Bye. *hangs up* (Me: You're tense.) *nods rigidly*
*sigh* Sure. *spends the whole time there not saying a word*
Agh! Fine! Can we talk about something?
Absolutely not! What made you think I'd come over right after our argument?!
YUSSS! Something to do!! :D :D :D *runs over as fast as possible*
IDK.. Yes.. Maybe... *sigh* I don't know! Yes! Coming!
Sorry, but no. I'm just too tired right now.

Why are you taking this quiz?

Just because. ^.^
Because I need something to distract me.
*sigh* Because I need to get my mind off of... Something. Don't ask. (Me: OK, I won't Don't be sad!) *sighs and looks away* :(
Because!! Don't question me! I decided to take this quiz, I am in a bad mood right now, DO NOT ASK ME WHY!!
Because I am absolutely, positively bored.
To get some answers.
IDK... maybe I should stop... and... go... to... sleep... zzz...

Which of these would you say you are?

Happy! :D
Sad... :'(
Dying of boredom.
Confused. My head is spinning a million miles an hour.
*sigh* Tired...