Are you in love with your Gf/Bf?

Are you in love with your Gf/Bf?

This quiz is for you to find out if you are actually in love, with your partner, or if you just like them, or even not like them...

published on June 22, 2014

How long does it take you to start missing them?

How long does it take you to start missing them?
I start missing them as soon as they're gone
It can take a few days
Maybe a few weeks, or a month
I never miss them

How often do you get into fights with him/her?

How often do you get into fights with him/her?
We've never had a fight
It can happen a few times a week
If we do fight it is only over something silly, so we realise we're going a bit OTT
It rarely happens
Maybe once/a few times a month

How much are they on your mind?

How much are they on your mind?
All the time
Maybe once, or a few times a day
They randomly pop up, I guess a few times a week
Not much, I just wait until they're with me

how good-looking do you think she/he is?

how good-looking do you think she/he is?
Very, very good-looking
They don't look great
They're alright
Since we've been going out, I've realised how good-looking they are

Do you enjoy hugging, holding hands, kissing etc.

Do you enjoy hugging, holding hands, kissing etc.
It can have its moments
Yes! I Love it!
I don't like doing those things really
That's the main reason why I think I love her/him, because we can do those things

Before you both were dating, did you want to go out with her/him, or was it their decision?

Before you both were dating, did you want to go out with her/him, or was it their decision?
I never liked them before, they just liked me
I really liked them before
We both liked each other
They were more just a little thought, they're the one who liked me much, much more

How would you feel if they got hurt/you saw them crying?

How would you feel if they got hurt/you saw them crying?
I wouldn't care much, as long as I still have them
I would most likely feel their pain, as I really can not cope with seeing them hurt
I would feel a bit sorry them
I would feel angry, as I would want to get payback on the person who done this

Out of 10, how much do you trust him/her? (0 being the lowest)

Out of 10, how much do you trust him/her? (0 being the lowest)

How do you feel when they're with the opposite sex?

How do you feel when they're with the opposite sex?
I don't mind, I want her/him to be free to do whatever they want
It kinda hurts me, even though I know she's/he's still mine
You don't like it, so I try to stop it
It makes me really sad

How much do you like their personality? (0 being the lowest)

How much do you like their personality? (0 being the lowest)

Do you Believe that you're in love with him/her?

Do you Believe that you're in love with him/her?
I'm not sure
I don't think so