Which Hogwarts House Are You In? (6) This is a fun quiz where you will know which Hogwarts house you belong to. Cute_Strawberry_Lemongrass_Jelly published on August 06, 2018 Stacked 1/13 Would you rather... Die for your friends? Run for your own life? Think of strategies? Fight courageously? Take your friends with you? Let others yield you? 2/13 What do you think is most important? Friendship and loyalty Loyalty and bravery Bravery and wit Cunning and Important Relationships 3/13 Which creature do you prefer the most? A Hippogriff A Pygmy Puff Thestrals Eagle Snowy owl 4/13 Which position would you want to play in Quidditch? Seeker Chaser Beater Keeper Referee Commendator 5/13 Which character resembles you the most? Cho Chang Harry Potter Cedric Diggory Pansy Parkinson 6/13 Who do you think is a decent person? Luna Lovegood Cho Chang Cormac McLaggen Harry Potter Draco Malfoy 7/13 Which object would you want the most? The Elder Wand Invisibility Cloak Resurrection Stone Diadem of Helena Ravenclaw (stolen) Gurdyroots 8/13 Where would you like to go during your visit to Hogsmeade? Madame Puddifoot's Tea Shop Hogs Head Zonko's Shrieking Shack Three Broomsticks 9/13 Which Professor do you like the most? Albus Dumbledore Minerva McGonagall Gilderoy Lockhart Filius Flitwick Severus Snape Remus Lupin Pomona Sprout 10/13 What do you seek? Power Wit Courage Attention Friendship Glory 11/13 Are you... Brave? Kind? Witty (smart)? Cunning? 12/13 If one of your friends got lost, you would... I would do my own stuff like nothing happened! I would risk my life to rescue them, but I'm not confident enough. Well, I'm still doing it! I would find my friend and fight courageously no matter what! I would need to consider...is it necessary? I need a plan! 13/13 Who do you hate the most (in Harry Potter)? Severus Snape Minerva McGonagall Lord Voldemort