take dis if ur bored i'm bored lets see if u can endure my annoyingness. yeet yeet weet weet cheetos doritos despacito black.is.a.color published on July 22, 2019 Stacked 1/8 i legit made dis quiz coz i want to rid myself of the drama lol WHY CAN'T U JUST GET OFF THEN?me: coz i still wanna be on this toxic place, duh stupid drama my name spells 'i-d-g-a-f' 2/8 wut does dis pic remind u of? obviously stranger things... a brunette with a horrified expression on her face...?? last summer...MY MOM FVCKING DESTROYED MY PHONE 3/8 by the way you've been uninvited coz all u say, are all the same things i did i didn't ask 4 ur opinion bitch oki dokie poki 4/8 what goes after 103942934? geez, is this kindergarten or wut? ur face 103942935 i'm smart 5/8 which is better, meme or rp?? meme rp sheep? 6/8 rappers suck BITCH WUT DID U JUST SAY?! some of them do, but a modicum of them r quite goodoo they do 7/8 current mood?? peaceful pissed bored that's why i'm taking dis quiz 8/8 U POO you: U LIL-me: -bitch. poopey dooopey u.borinnnggg.