When will you get your first period? (5) This quiz is not 100% acurate, but takes into consideration the same thing a doctor does when estimating for your period. Anonymousmk321 published on January 28, 2017 Stacked 1/5 Any pubic hair(hair on vagina) None at all totally bald or a few blond wispy hairs Some light colored hairs beginning to grow bushier About half developed starting to become bushy and turning the color of my hair Full and bushy dark color of my hair or darker 2/5 How much do you weigh (may not affect much) 60-75lbs 70-85 lbs 80-95lbs 90-110lbs+ 3/5 Do you want your period ( stimulation from The pituitary gland comes from the brain to release hormones and begin puberty) No way Not really but I could live with it Yes and no Definitely bring on the challenge! 4/5 Any discharge Not at all Once or twice a week I had a little At the end of the there is a thin dried layer Lots every day can feel the goop 5/5 Any armpit hair? None just smooth A few light wispy hairs or black dots A few hairs the color of my head getting fuller Many hairs the color of my head need to shave or very thick