which among us character are you? (1) Are you a willing crewmate or sneaky imposter? Find out in the quiz now! Fnaf_fan87 published on November 25, 2020 Stacked 1/5 do you like being Impostor or crewmate? imposter crewmate 2/5 If theres new tasks, would you try to be a crewmate? (just to see the new task animation) YES!!!!! DEFINETELY!!!!! Nah! I want kill animations! 3/5 Would you be good at among us in real life? No... Yes! I would borrow some alabis 4/5 If among us 2 comes out, would you play it? Heck ya! I want to see what kind of kill animations there is! No thanks... 5/5 Are your strategies working strategies? Yes! Not always.