What Song Should You Listen To? (1) These are all going to be Taylor Swift songs, so if you don't like TS, don't take the quiz. The_Cute_Cheetah_Girl published on August 11, 2015 Stacked 1/5 Do you regret anything now? No. Yeah. It's all my fault! Nope, everything is perfect! Yeah. I wish my heart wasn't broken I only regret I ever spent time with that loser! 2/5 Choose on how you feel? *blushing* : ( : D ):',( ): ( 3/5 What do feel like doing? Telling the person I like how I feel about them. Telling the person how sorry I am for leaving them. Hanging out with my bf/gf. Crying. :( Punching my ex in the face. 4/5 Is anything bothering you right now? No. Just thinking about...Someone. <3 Will they ever notice me? Yeah. I never should of left. :( Nope. Everything is perfect. <3 Yeah. How could they do this to me?? Yes! I hate them! 5/5 Do you have a bf/gf? No, but I might soon. I like this one person... I used to. But I blew it. :( Yep. I'm very happy! I used to. Until they ditched me. :( Yeah, we broke up though. THAT JERK!