Animal Personalities E-Extrovert I-Introvert L-Logical E-Emotional C-Critical(not forgiving) F-Forgiving O-Observent U-Unobservent F-Future Oriented C-Current Oriented P-Past Oriented Russellja published on June 10, 2017 Stacked 1/8 Which do you prefer? Using past knowledge to solve a problem Using your feelings to solve a problem 2/8 Where would you rather live? The country side The suburbs of a city A big city 3/8 Which do you prefer? A day out with family Staying home with a good book 4/8 Which do you tend to focus on? The past The present The future 5/8 How likely are you going to forgive someone? Not at all Somewhat Likely Very Likely 6/8 Which is more important to you? Being knowlegable Being in tune without your emotions 7/8 How is your memory? Very good Okay Pretty Bad 8/8 Which is more important to you? Knowing every single detail of something Knowing the broad understanding of something