lesbian quiz are you lost about what you are are you wondering... well I was but now I know I am a lesbian and it's good to know I want a girl to please me nothing wrong with it. emmac123 published on March 23, 2017 Stacked 1/10 have you ever wanted to have sex with a girl yes all the time no gross 2/10 why are you taking this test for fun i'm confuse I'm bored 3/10 how old are you 5-10 11-16 17-20 21+ 4/10 do you watch porn yes.. only girl on girl no yes only straight i have never 5/10 have you ever felt uncomfortable about your sexuality yes no idk I know what I am 6/10 when you look at a picture of a girl kissing a girl how does it make you feel I get a tingle felling I think it's gross I don't mind it I LOVE IT 7/10 have you ever fingered yourself yes no gross yes i was watching lesbian porn (or i was thinking about girls) yes but I was thinking about a guy 8/10 have you every got a tingel feeling when seeing a good looking girl yes no what does that mean 9/10 what do you think you will be staight bi-sexual lesbain idk 10/10 how much do you please yourself all the time what is that mean not that much