Which Gemstone Best Represents YOU? AmazinglyAmberYT published on February 10 Stacked 1/11 What colors are you most strongly drawn to? Bright colors Pastel colors Dark colors Warm colors 2/11 Which shape do you like the most? Star Crescent moon Diamond 3/11 Are you more spiritual or more logical? Spiritual Logical 4/11 You struggle more with... Insecurity Frustration 5/11 You aspire to... Creative fulfillment Inner peace 6/11 You commonly have more... Pleasant dreams Nightmares 7/11 You dream of... Love and romance Acquiring knowledge and understanding 8/11 Which sense do you value more? Vision Hearing 9/11 On a bad day, you're more likely to... Withdraw to your room and write in your journal Get into an argument with someone 10/11 You tend to... Make quick decisions and stick to them Avoid making decisions and change your mind a lot 11/11 You secretly crave... Power Affection