Are you Tom or Tord? Simple really Though I don't know why it's only these two... Anyhow enjoy...? clown.boy published on March 28, 2017 Stacked 1/12 What's your favorite color?:^> Red, orange, and maybe yellow Blue, Green, maybe purple 2/12 What's your favorite holiday? Not Christmas Not Valentine's Day 3/12 Do you love your parents? Yeah but I don't like to show it Well my feelings change a lot so... 4/12 Who's your best friend? Not him ⬇️ Not him⬆️ 5/12 Do get along with other people? Yes actually Nahhh not really 6/12 How does it feel to try new things? A little weird I'm fine with it 7/12 What is the saddest thing? Failing Loosing friends 8/12 When are you most depressed? Literally every single day Rather not say 9/12 What hurts the most?(Physically) Gunshots Punches and kicks 10/12 Are you insane? No I just want world domination A little I guess 11/12 What is weirder? Having no eyes Having devil horns 12/12 Pick a face! The eighth one The fifth one