Nocturnal Animals Quiz

Nocturnal Animals Quiz

Do you have what it takes to survive a night out in the wild? Take this quiz to find out which nocturnal animal best fits your lifestyle!

published on April 21, 2023

What time of day do you usually feel most alert and active?

What time of day do you usually feel most alert and active?
Late night
Early evening
Early morning
Late afternoon

Where do you usually spend most of your time?

Where do you usually spend most of your time?
Near urban areas and water bodies
In the mountains and caves
In the forests and meadows
In the trees

What sounds do you like to listen to?

What sounds do you like to listen to?
Songbirds and crickets chirping
Barking and squeaking of mice
Rustling of leaves and mating calls
Trash cans being tipped and water splashing

What type of food do you prefer?

What type of food do you prefer?
Leftovers and scraps
Small animals, birds, fish and produce
Small mammals, birds and insects
Fruits and vegetables

How do you usually get around?

How do you usually get around?
By running, jumping and climbing
By soaring and gliding in flight
By crawling and climbing on branches
By walking, waddling and swimming

What do you like doing on a regular basis?

What do you like doing on a regular basis?
Hanging upside down in caves and attics
Perching and waiting for prey
Sleeping, foraging and scavenging
Exploring and playing in the forest

What do you like doing on a special occasion?

What do you like doing on a special occasion?
Attending social gatherings with other bats
Going for nighttime hunts
Hopping, climbing and river bathing
Enjoying the outdoors with family and friends

How do you react to danger?

How do you react to danger?
Run away to a safe distance and wait
Hide in a safe spot until the coast is clear
Remain still and wait for it to pass
Investigate the source of danger

How do you communicate with other nocturnals?

How do you communicate with other nocturnals?
Through polyphonic vocalisations
Through calls, hoots and screeches
Through echoing chirps and clicks
Through a variety of vocalisations

How do you like to relax and unwind?

How do you like to relax and unwind?
Catching some shut-eye during the day
Swooping down and taking off quickly
Soaking up some sun in a tree
Snuggling up in a cozy den

What type of habitat do you prefer?

What type of habitat do you prefer?
Open fields and woodlands
Forests and meadows with dens
Caves, tree hollows or bridges
Urban and suburban areas