Do you mostly say "Yes" or "No?" do you usually say yes to things like i would? Check this out to see if so! GhostyToesty published on December 31, 2018 Stacked 1/5 I like dogsDo you? yes! omg they're the cutebestest in da hole wid world! yeah, i guess yup naw, not rlly no! you dogs are b****** and jerks! nope, im allergic 2/5 You have roblox? yup! yeah, but i don't rlly use it *picks at nails* no, eew. roblox is dumb 3/5 yabadabadoo i'm just like you? yeah, dunno, ugh! CAN'T MAKE UP MY MIND! no, i don't wanna be a b**** like you yup! prett shure 4/5 was this quiz 2 short? UGH! STOP USING SHORTCUT WORDS! AND YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *red face and steam comes out of ears* why did i take this quiz?! yeah, honestly eh, bored right now so i just made a quiz 5/5 phone, tablet, or computer (any type of any) phone, or Iphone X tablet computer all three!