Five nights at freddy's trilogy quiz! test to see which character out of the five nights of freddy's game series you are! melodymonster published on April 01, 2015 Stacked 1/8 what do you like doing reading a book reading a newspaper hiding in a box teleporting scaring people to death telling stories protecting kids giving out ballons cooking eating putting on make up playing your guitar 2/8 whats your personality annoying playing by day and dangerous by night protective 24/7 scary unknown 3/8 where do you like sleeping on the show stage in the middle on the show stage on the left on the show stage on the right pirates cove kids cove parts and service in the middle parts and service on the left parts and service on the right giant box everywhere i don't sleep i'm a ghost arcade room 4/8 what is your favourite method of surprise play a calm toon with a torn shining on your face then jump them jump into their face surprise!!! wait in the shadows wait till their not looking just let them stare at you then jump lunge right at them disable every electronic. mostly the lights and stare hid in a vent then jump out at them press your handsand face up against their windows slowly walk towards them with the lights flickering on and off stand right outside their door 5/8 what do you like wearing, colour wise brown, white and black purple red and white yellow and white pink and yellow white and pink blue white and red orangey brown, white and black gold, white and dark blue goldie yellow, white and black black and white red and blue red and brown 6/8 whats your favourite animal/thing brown bear orange bear dolls ghosts halloween props pirates vixens balloons chicks party bibs easter bunnies bunnies 7/8 whats your favourite food meat balls pasta bake very little i'm a ghost i don't eat meat brains four cheese pizza everything a lot carrot cake carrots 8/8 what is your favourite colour red white and pink gold brown orangy brown purple blue yellow yellow and pink red and blue black and white goldie yellow