What Bloom's Taxonomy Are You? Do you dare take the quiz and find out what Bloom's Taxonomy you are? Press the start button and find out. theawilkensreed published on April 23, 2018 Stacked 1/10 What is your ideal music classroom setting? General Music Orchestra Band Choir General Music, Choir, Band, and Orchestra, just call me an overachiever I have to decide that right now? 2/10 What is your principal instrument? Brass Strings Percussion Woodwinds Piano Voice 3/10 What is Your go to Classroom Instrument? Recorders Boom Whackers Drums The closest thing I can grab Orff Instruments My Voice 4/10 Which tempo marking do you identify with? Allegro Largo Grave Presto Allegro Con Fuoco Rubato 5/10 Pick Your Favorite Composer Stravinsky Brahms Beethoven My boi Bach Chopin Handel 6/10 You are taking your middle school ensemble on a end of the year trip. Where do you go? Disneyland Grand Canyon The football field because there isn't enough funding to go anywhere New York Chicago L.A. 7/10 What is the first thing you teach to your new music class? A Western music concept A rote song I'll just play it by ear I have to teach something? Nothing like starting out with some good ole solfège Rhythm 8/10 You forget to plan out a lesson for the day and must improvise on the spot. What is your go to lesson plan? A drumming circle Endless rounds of "Name that Tune" Search through your old emails find one that you emailed to your middle school methods professor and teach that No clue I would never forget to plan my lesson, I'm a professional Frantically write one out on some paper towels from the bathroom 9/10 You're teaching a lesson on rhythm when a student hits their drum so hard their hand goes through it. What do you do? Continue teaching and pretend you didn't see anything Start laughing which turns into tears and has you question whether you're cut out for teaching Put some tape on it, duct tape fixes anything and it will be fine Finish the lesson immediately and send the kids to recess Congratulate the student on their enthusiasm Tell the student to share drums with the student next to them 10/10 It's your first day teaching music at a new middle school. How do you prepare yourself? Get down on your knees and pray I don't prepare myself, I was born prepared Have one final jam session in the car to Rite of Spring Give yourself a motivational talk in the mirror and take a couple deep breaths Call your mom for a last minute pep talk Cram in one last run through of Kodaly signs and your takadimi syllables