How well do you know DanTDM? This is a quiz to test the limits and see if you are a true member of TEAMTDM! KennyKelly823 published on February 21, 2016 Stacked 1/10 How many episodes in "The Diamond Dimensions"? None, "The Diamond Dimensions" does not exist! 243 How am I supposed to know? 100 1 189 2/10 What is DanTDM's BFF's name? Dr. Trayaurus Denton Craig Sarah Jane 3/10 Is DanTDM good at remembering stuff? NO WAY! HELL YA! mabye.... how am I supposed to know IDK 4/10 What does "TDM" stand for? Time Do MC The Diamond Minecart The Denton Movie! 5/10 Does DanTDM like Cheesecake? Ya, he LOVES it no No! He hates It!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6/10 Does DanTDM have any pets? if so, What are their names? Ya, He has 1 cat named Jobo Ya, he has 2 PUGS named Darcie and Ellie No, he has no pets what so ever! He has a goldfish named Bubblegum 7/10 Does Dan like mazes? Ya, he plays them every day! No WAY IDK Mabye, why should I say? 8/10 What is Dan's chickens's name? Mr.Chicken Chikey McDuck McDonalds Mini TDM! 9/10 Does Dan have a girlfriend? No Ya he does NO! He has a wife IDK 10/10 did you like this? Ya No Mabye, it was OK