What S.S.C Character Are You The S.S.C is filled with a plethora of lovable characters as well as some despicable ones. Time to find out which one is the most like you. SilverSun published on June 25, 2014 Stacked 1/18 You see a kid in trouble. What do you do? Help him, no matter what the cost, and teach him how to protect himself Help him, without a doubt Depends on the situation Walk away Laugh at him 2/18 You are put in charge of a mission, what are your orders? "Follow my lead and stick together" "Work together and share your ideas" "Avoid direct contact if possible" "Take out anyone who stands in our way" "Split up and figure something out" "Lets make a plan and carefully/slowly carry it out" 3/18 How do you feel about having fun? It is important and healthy It is alright Its okay from time to time It is somewhat useless It is a waste of time 4/18 How would you describe yourself? Charismatic Serious Comical Depressed Neutral Angered Loud Stressed Quiet Intelligent Wise 5/18 On the scale of one to five, how smart do you think you are? 1 2 3 4 5 6/18 What is most important to you? Friends Family Love Money Knowledge Respect Legacy Dreams Balance Beliefs 7/18 Describe your life and how you handle it I have a tough life, but try to see the good things in life I have a tough life, and I see the world as a glass half empty My life is whatever I make it to be, as is how I respond to it My life is stressful, but I try to overcome it My life is stressful, as am I My life is good, I live every day like its my last My life is good, I live cautiously, but happily 8/18 What is your pet peeve? Overly Happy People Narrow Minded Individuals Open Minded Individuals Messy Plans People Who Belittle Others Criticism Being Beaten Waiting 9/18 How would others describe you? Great Leader Good Leader Leader Follower Good Follower Great Follower Depends 10/18 You want revenge. How do you carry it out? Confront them as soon as possible a take them out Think of a plan a slowly carry it out Act rude towards them Ignore them You do not care for revenge 11/18 You meet someone new, how well do you trust them? I trust them in every way, shape, and form I mostly trust them I somewhat trust them I hardly trust them I don't trust them at all 12/18 How good of a planner are you? Incredibly Good Pretty Good Alright Not So Good Awful 13/18 How do you feel about rules? Rules are made to be broken Rules aren't very important Rules are okay Rules are important Rules are vital and must be followed 14/18 Who do you look up to? Myself Family Friends No one Multiple people 15/18 How do you feel about fighting? It is always necessary It is often necessary It is sometimes necessary It is almost never necessary It is pointless 16/18 How well do you handle stress? Incredibly Well Pretty Good Alright Not Very Good Terrible 17/18 How social are you? Incredibly Social Pretty Social Regular Not to Social Anti Social 18/18 How do you feel about emotions? They are vital and should always be expressed They are important, but should not always be expressed Neutral They are a drag They are absolutely unimportant