What kind of Shoe are you? (2) This quiz is based off of your personality. Your personality will tell you what kind of shoe you are. mudcats_forever published on February 27, 2016 Stacked 1/10 What do you eat Sushi Pizza A buffet of my choice Fruit 2/10 What is your favorite color Blue Pink Black Red 3/10 What would you rather do Go to a country club Play sports with your friends Go to the skate park Visit the beach 4/10 Who do you like Nobody Well only the most famous bachelor in town Only the cutest surfer My crush 5/10 How often do you go outside All the time I love the outdoors A few days of the week Few hours a week Not any time at all 6/10 What is your favorite holiday Christmas Easter None Valentines day 7/10 How long do you keep a pair of shoes Maybe a month or a year A few weeks Only a few days oh no probably just a day then i get new ones the next day My whole life because I love keeping them as memories 8/10 What is your ideal day Wake up go to the mall and then come home and watch Gossip Girl Wake up super early get dressed and go surfing until dawn Wake up go to the skate park and then go home Spend time with my friends maybe go to the diner with my girl/boy and then come home and fix daddy some dinner 9/10 How do you spend most days Running Walking Sports Sitting on beach 10/10 How much time do you spend with your friends All the time Only a few days a week Almost never I don't have any friends because I don't need any