Personality - Determined by You This is a personality test which will show you a brief overview of yourself. cjmelby published on July 21, 2015 Stacked 1/16 When you were in high school, what kind of classes did you take? Classes based upon what I wanted to do in life Classes that sounded fun Easy classes to pass high school 2/16 Choose which best describes you. Successful Glamorous Unsuccessful Ugly 3/16 Why does the chicken cross the road to you? To get across the street To get away from something To find something better 4/16 You think about things before you do them? Yes Sometimes I just go with the flow 5/16 What color best suites you? Orange Purple Black Turqoiuse White Gold Grey 6/16 You only have enough money to get to where you need to go, but not to get back once it's over, what do you do? Don't go and risk the consequences of not going Ask someone for a personal loan Attempt a fundraiser in a short amount of time Go anyway and try to find some sort of funding there 7/16 What would change the future the most? Fountain of Youth A Solution to Cancer New intelligent lifeforms 8/16 You see someone being picked on, what do you do? Walk away from the situation Talk about what is happening with your friends or teachers, and hope someone else intervenes Say something to the bully, and hope it works 9/16 Your phone is broken, what is your reaction? I'll just get a new one I have a replacement plan, time to use it Call the company and see what they can do without the replacement plan 10/16 You like the company of others Always Sometimes Not really 11/16 Out of these three activities, which one is your favorite? Reading Social Media Playing Video Games 12/16 If you were stranded on an unknown island, which item would you prefer? A Cellphone A Computer A Beach Chair A Map 13/16 One of the toughest decisions in your life must be made, three people are on the verge of death. Who do you choose to let live? Best Friend -- for fear of losing them Complete Stranger -- for hope that your best friend understands what you're thinking I can't make a decision, and they all will die, what do I do? 14/16 What kind of T.V. shows interest you the most? History, Crime, Law, etc. MTV, SpikeTV, etc. Cartoons 15/16 You have a group project due, and your grade is determined by the entirety of it, but one group member hasn't done their portion. What do you do? Inform the teacher that someone didn't do their part, and hope it doesn't affect your grades at all Create their portion to the best of your ability in the short amount of time, and hope it goes over well Go through with the presentation, leaving their part out Get with your other team members and decide together 16/16 Where do you find yourself spending most of your time? At Work At Home Alone Somewhere With Friends