Which Centaur Are You? Are you a wise Cheiron, or a wild Khrysomallos? Find out which of the fantastic creatures you align with best! michelle published on May 14, 2023 Stacked 1/11 What is your ideal habitat? The plains The forest The city In the mountains 2/11 What is your weapon of choice? None Bow and Arrow Axe Spear 3/11 What activity do you enjoy the most? Meditating Hunting Mini-Adventures Reading and Learning 4/11 What is your attitude when faced with a fight? Powerful and Strategic action Fight to the death Hide and run away Seek a peaceful resolution 5/11 What is your preferred travel method? Use teleportation magic Gallop on horseback Sneakily on foot Walk in a caravan safely 6/11 If you had the choice, which would you prefer less of? Social Contact Dangers Rules and Regulations Mundane Tasks 7/11 What do you think of Beauty? It can be used to manipulate the weak-minded I tend not to pay it much attention. It's a wild and dangerous thing. It must be admired, for it can be taken away at any time. 8/11 What is the worst case scenario when facing a challenge? Teamwork fails Friends become Enemies Outnumbered powerlessly Losing knowledge, or power 9/11 Which are you more likely to do? Enjoy a good festive party Find a clever solution to a problem Help others understand their emotions Venture off in search of new knowledge 10/11 Your friends describe you as: Dependable and Compassionate Risk-seeking and Adaptable Helpful and Wise Passionate and intense 11/11 Who do you look up to as a role model? Yourself Scholars Parent figures warriors