Find Your Self-Love Personality

Discover where you fall on the self-love spectrum with this personality quiz!

published on August 27, 2024

How do you practice self-care?

How do you practice self-care?
I treat myself to a spa day
I go on long walks in nature
I meditate and practice mindfulness
I spend time with close friends and family

How do you talk to yourself when you make a mistake?

I seek advice from others on how to improve
I move on quickly and focus on the positive
I forgive myself and learn from it
I beat myself up and dwell on it

What motivates you to achieve your goals?

What motivates you to achieve your goals?
The joy of the journey and growth
Competition with others drives me
External recognition and praise
The desire to better myself

How do you talk about yourself to others?

I project confidence even if I don't feel it inside
I share my successes and vulnerabilities openly
I downplay my achievements to avoid seeming boastful
I focus on my flaws and failures

How do you spend your alone time?

Creating art or music to express myself
Reflecting on my thoughts and emotions
Working out and staying active
Reading books and expanding my knowledge