Which Stand-up Comic Are You?

Which Stand-up Comic Are You?

Find out which stand-up comedy personality best matches yours! Take this quiz to find out!

published on June 26

What's your favorite comedy genre?

What's your favorite comedy genre?
Dark humor
Silly and absurd

What's your preferred onstage outfit?

What's your preferred onstage outfit?
Crazy patterned suit
All black everything
Casual t-shirt and jeans

How do you handle hecklers?

How do you handle hecklers?
Engage in playful banter
Ignore them and continue with the set
Shut them down with sarcasm

What's your favorite comedic timing?

Random bursts of laughter
Rapid-fire punchlines
Pause for dramatic effect

How do you prep for a show?

How do you prep for a show?
Rehearse meticulously
Mix of structured jokes and improv
Wing it and improvise

What's your go-to opening joke?

What's your go-to opening joke?
Shocking statement
Punny one-liner
Self-deprecating humor

How do you connect with the audience?

How do you connect with the audience?
Raw and edgy material
Physical comedy and props
Storytelling and personal anecdotes

What's your signature catchphrase?

What's your signature catchphrase?
Too soon?
And that's why I'm single
That's gold, Jerry! Gold!

What's your spirit animal on stage?

What's your spirit animal on stage?
Black widow spider - deadly and mysterious
Clown fish - colorful and playful
Gazelle - sleek and quick-witted

How do you handle bombing a joke?

Blame the audience
Self-deprecating jokes about failure
Laugh it off and move on

What's your drink of choice after a show?

Seltzer water with lime
Tequila shots
Whiskey neat