The whoovian, The earth person test about wether you like doctor who or not, let the whoovians unite and let the games begin NonameMangle published on February 21, 2015 Stacked 1/5 FOR THE DOCTOR i live for this show ya gotta say, he's not bad looking! take me with the noobs i love the shows. time and space people! 2/5 nooobeeed i don't watch it wanna watch more pleaaseee ok now this is *has to be* a joke 3/5 I'm for rory. he's hot! i love rory can i kiss him? your kidding me 4/5 Buh By i hate this show ok really? your not gonna see dinosaurs on a spaceship! i love it man. this is pathetic 5/5 do ya do it for the tardis? i live for the tardis human form, ya gotta remember that episode! nope