Which Outdoor Swimming Pool Object Are You? Have you ever wondered which outdoor pool object you are? Well, now you can find out with this fun new quiz! AmazinglyAmberYT published on August 01, 2024 Stacked 1/10 How would other people describe you? Fun Calm Gentle Outgoing 2/10 What is your favorite color? Blue White Black Rainbow 3/10 Do you enjoy having a lot of people at your house? Yes, absolutely! Sometimes No, not at all! Depends on my mood 4/10 What's your favorite type of weather? Snow Rain Humid and warm Wind 5/10 What is your favorite season? Spring Summer Autumn/Fall Winter 6/10 What's your favorite sport? Gymnastics Volleyball Basketball Other 7/10 What's your favorite activity? Swimming Camping Cleaning Hanging out with friends 8/10 Which sea creature do you like the most? Dolphin Whale Shark Sea turtle 9/10 How many friends do you have? None Just 1 2 or 3 More than 3 10/10 Where do you feel the most comfortable? In the water Up in the air Relaxing at the beach In your own backyard