What's your next reading book? have you finished all of the books on you reading list? are you ready for a new author? Then take this quiz to find out what you new book should be:) Sherlock_AliCat published on April 30, 2015 Stacked 1/5 What is your favorite trait in a guy/girl? exploratory and wild charming and romantic Jock or cheerleader Witty and smart Loves to play Minecraft and other games 2/5 Favorite day of the week? Monday Sunday Friday Saturday Friday night 3/5 What is the perfect day? Walking through the woods listening to nature A girls night out with lots of shopping for future dates catching up on all the latest gossip Watch movies and pretend that your pile of homework doesn't exist Get you homework done first, then reread Pride and Prejudice 4/5 What do you find in your bag? Lipstick Diary Treasure map You favorite copy of Jane Austins books You Nitendo 3ds 5/5 What's your favorite subject in school? ELA or LA Social Studies Study time Art Music