what do your parents think of you? title says it all <3 :3 :) :D (: ^.^ C: :> cant think of any more happy emojies FunTimes published on November 09, 2014 Stacked 1/9 does your parents ever say "i love you"? every two seconds with big hugs yes, of course what parents dont! sometimes tone a week once a year every cristmas never heard them say it... 2/9 you ask your parents for some more poket money because you only get 50p a week they say "yes of course! would you like £1? £10? £100?" they say "you will have to earn it! clean your room and i will give you £1 extra!" they say "no, 50p is quite enough" they say "no" they shake their head and give me a bitter look 3/9 do your parents let you on facebook? nope no nah nuu noo 4/9 you got punched in school. what do they do? they kiss me and say everything will be ok and call the bulys mom and stuff a camara n my bag for next time they kiss me and and call their mom they say next time tell the teacher and hug me they say there must be a reason are you ok? and hug me they dont care 5/9 what did they do when you were born? they gave me a massive teddy bear ang dressed me in cute bunny pajamas and huged me thats not all they gave me 100 toyz they held me close and gave me a small teddy, what parent wouldent? they held me close they said hi and put me on the bed they put me on the bed and walked away shouting i dont want it 6/9 do they let you hand out with friends? yup! but they need to come with us to the mall and dress me in warm clothes just in case i get chilly ya sometimes not much nope i try and ask but the shout no in my face 7/9 chores? no its a funny story i say "mom i wanna help! im bored!" they say "no sweetie i am fine but if you wanna do the dish-" "um thanks mom i changed my mind!" the... yes afew yea so many i am a servent! 8/9 do they give you presents on your b-day? im surrounded in the stuff! wake up? blanket covered in prezies! breakfast? cake! living room? flood of toys! im spoiled! yes what parent wont? 4 or 5 one none they always forget im there 9/9 what do you think you will get im spoiled thats what (your mom: sweetie its cold out there get another pair of mittens on with your other 4 pairs!) they love me quite alot they do like me i guess they kinda like me they really dont like me