Would you eat these weird German foods? Hallo! Would you eat all of these weird German foods? (Thank you so much for taking this. ?) anonymous-user-AQIITU published on October 26, 2018 Stacked 1/9 Hallo and welcome!!!!Schwarzsauer? “Schwarzsauer is a German blood soup with various spices cooked in vinegar-water and a sort of black pudding made with vinegar. It is a traditional dish in parts of northern Germany and formerly also in East Prussia. It's similar to the Spartan black soup.” Wikipedia. Eww! Mmm. Uh....Is there anything else on the menu? No, I don't think so. I might try it? 2/9 Spätzle? “Spätzle is a kind of soft egg noodle found in the cuisines of southern Germany and Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Alsace, Moselle and South Tyrol.”Wikipedia. Eww no! It looks really delicious. I don't know. Sure, I'll try it. Other.. 3/9 Bratwürste?“Bratwürste is a type of German sausage made from veal, beef, or most commonly pork.”Wikipedia. Maybe. Uh, I don't eat meat. 0_0 Sure, looks tasty. I'm unsure. Yes! 4/9 Rouladen?“Rouladen or Rinderrouladen is a German meat dish, usually consisting of bacon, onions, mustard and pickles wrapped in thinly sliced beef which is then cooked.”Wikipedia. Yuck. I'm hungry now. :( I don't think so. Maybeee. 5/9 Goulash?“Goulash is a stew of meat, usually seasoned with paprika and other spices.”Wikipedia. Yes. No. Maybe. 6/9 Leberkäse is a German food that is made out of corned beef, pork and bacon. It is made by baking until it is a brown colour. Eat this? Mmm, delicious! Yuckk! Uhm....maybe? No thanks, I'm good. Sure. 7/9 Maultaschen?“Maultaschen is a traditional German dish that originated in the region of Swabia in Baden-Württemberg. It consists of an outer-layer of pasta dough which encloses a filling traditionally consisting of minced meat, smoked meat, spinach, bread crumbs and onions and flavoured with various herbs and spices (e.g. pepper, parsley and nutmeg). Maultaschen are similar to the Italian ravioli but are typically larger in size—each Maultasche being approximately 8-12 centimeters (3-5 inches) across. They are almost invariably square or rectangular in shape.”Wikipedia. For some reason, it makes me think of ravioli. Sure. I'll pass. Maybe. 8/9 Sauerbraten?“Sauerbraten is a German pot roast that can be prepared with a variety of meats—most often beef, but also from venison, lamb, mutton, pork, and traditionally, horse. Before cooking, the cut of meat is marinated for several days (recipes vary from three to ten days) in a mixture of vinegar or wine, water, herbs, spices, and seasonings. Since usually tougher cuts of meat (like rump roast, or bottom round of beef) are used for Sauerbraten, the longer marinating of the meat acts to tenderize it, resulting in a finished dish that is tender, soft, and juicy. The ingredients of the marinade vary based on regional styles and traditions throughout Germany.”Wikipedia. Maybe. Ummm... Mmmm. Nooo. Yesss. 9/9 “Currywurst is a fast food dish of German origin consisting of steamed, then fried pork sausage typically cut into slices and seasoned with curry ketchup, a sauce based on spiced ketchup or tomato paste, itself topped with curry powder, or a ready-made ketchup seasoned with curry and other spices. The dish is often served with French fries.” Wikipedia. No... Yes. I...I don't know.