Are you a Brony? (1)

Are you a Brony? (1)

Just a short test to see if you are a Brony or not. For those who don't know, a Brony is an adult or teen fan of the show My Little Pony

published on July 30, 2014

(Doesn't effect result) who is the best pony out of these two
Rainbow Dash
Princess Celestia

Rainbow Dash
Princess Celestia
Ummm, I'm gonna go with the first one
They both suck

Who is DJ Pon3?

A female pony who is a DJ and was named by the Bronies
A female pony who is a DJ and was named by Hasbro
I'm guessing its a pony
A stupid incarnation of idiocy

How did Derpy Hooves get her name?

From the creators of the show
From Bronies
Who is Derpy Hooves?
Don't give a damn

Who are the Mane Six?

Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy,
Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash
Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy,
Pinkie Pie and Bon Bon
Wait...who are the Mane Six
A group of stupid horses

A hard you like My Little Pony

Eeyup x123456789
Yep, defo
I've not watched it, but I think it's ok
Nope, not at all

What is being a brony to you?

My life
A show that I really enjoy
Not a Brony per say
Bronies are people to laugh at

Have you created fan music, art or fan Fic?

I want to but no
I hate all fans of the show

Final one, who says "eeyup" ?

Pinkie Pie
Big MacIntosh
Don't know
Don't care

What do you think of the show, My Little Pony?

I watch it and enjoy it
Never watched it, but I think it's ok
It's a perversion of everything that is good and natural in this world!