What types of Minecraft player are you?

What types of Minecraft player are you?

Ever wanted to know what type of Minecraft player you are? Well this quiz should tell you! I'm not saying it's 100% accurate, nothing is! Tell me what you got!

published on November 12, 2017

What is the first thing you do when you start a new world?

What is the first thing you do when you start a new world?
Kill some sheep, pigs, cows,
Wander around till you find I
nice spot!
Find a cave and start collecting
some cobble and ore...
Collect some blocks and build
a house or castle!
Start a farm to farm for some
Get some redstone to build
some cool machines!!

You got some redstone stuff what do you make?

You got some redstone stuff what do you make?
Nothing, I suck at redstone:(
A automatic cobble maker!!
Anything challenging!!
Automatic mob farm
A jet!!
Automatic crop farm!
A modern house light system

What do you build your house out of?

What do you build your house out of?
Cobble and wood
Iron, emarld, gold, etc
Glass and glass

What type of house do you like to build?

What type of house do you like to build?
A green one, so I can farm
on/in my house!
A modern one with all sorts of
redstone buttons!!
On deep underground made
with stone for mining ores!!
One where it's dark, to fight
A basic house or tent with
supplies. I will need food after
a long journey!

You see a cave you?

You see a cave you?
Go exploring, maybe you'll find
a dungeon or shaft with seeds
for farming.
Start mining
Find some mobs to kill!
Build a shaft for fun

You need a place for your house?
Where do u build?

You need a place for your house? Where do u build?
By my spawn so I don't have to
make a bed!
In a cave!!man cave!!
In a tree!!
In a city!!
On a tall mountain with a great
Somewhere dark so there will
always be mobs to kill!!