What types of Minecraft player are you? Ever wanted to know what type of Minecraft player you are? Well this quiz should tell you! I'm not saying it's 100% accurate, nothing is! Tell me what you got! Supergaminggeek published on November 12, 2017 Stacked 1/6 You got some redstone stuff what do you make? Nothing, I suck at redstone:( A automatic cobble maker!! Anything challenging!! Automatic mob farm A jet!! Automatic crop farm! A modern house light system 2/6 You see a cave you? Go exploring, maybe you'll find a dungeon or shaft with seeds for farming. Start mining Find some mobs to kill! Build a shaft for fun 3/6 What do you build your house out of? Dirt!! Diamonds Cobble and wood Iron, emarld, gold, etc Glass and glass 4/6 What is the first thing you do when you start a new world? Kill some sheep, pigs, cows, etc Wander around till you find I nice spot! Find a cave and start collecting some cobble and ore... Collect some blocks and build a house or castle! Start a farm to farm for some goodies Get some redstone to build some cool machines!! 5/6 What type of house do you like to build? A green one, so I can farm on/in my house! A modern one with all sorts of redstone buttons!! On deep underground made with stone for mining ores!! One where it's dark, to fight mobs!! A basic house or tent with supplies. I will need food after a long journey! 6/6 You need a place for your house?Where do u build? By my spawn so I don't have to make a bed! In a cave!!man cave!! In a tree!! In a city!! On a tall mountain with a great view! Somewhere dark so there will always be mobs to kill!!