What's Your Public Speaking Style?

What's Your Public Speaking Style?

Discover your unique style of public speaking by answering these 11 questions!

published on August 06, 2024

How do you feel about speaking in front of a large audience?

How do you feel about speaking in front of a large audience?

How do you prepare for a speech?

Wing it
Write out every word
Practice in front of a mirror

What is your preferred speaking pace?

What is your preferred speaking pace?
Varies depending on the situation
Fast and dynamic
Slow and steady

How do you handle questions from the audience?

How do you handle questions from the audience?
Avoid taking questions
Stick to prepared answers
Engage in a lively discussion

How do you deal with technical difficulties during a speech?

How do you deal with technical difficulties during a speech?
Stay calm and improvise
Get flustered and lose focus
Ignore the issue and continue speaking

How do you handle hecklers or disruptions?

How do you handle hecklers or disruptions?
Ignore them and carry on
Feel attacked and defensive
Address them confidently

How do you feel about using humor in your speeches?

Love incorporating humor
Nervous about jokes falling flat
Prefer a serious tone

What type of feedback do you appreciate after a speech?

What type of feedback do you appreciate after a speech?
Honest and constructive criticism
Positive reinforcement and encouragement
Don't need feedback, I know how I did

How do you feel about being the center of attention?

How do you feel about being the center of attention?
Enjoy being in the spotlight
Prefer to blend into the background
Feel self-conscious and exposed

How do you handle mistakes or slip-ups during a speech?

How do you handle mistakes or slip-ups during a speech?
Acknowledge and move on
Panic and lose focus
Hope no one notices

What motivates you to improve your public speaking skills?

What motivates you to improve your public speaking skills?
Overcoming fear and insecurity
Constantly seeking growth and development
Not a priority for me