What color are you? (39) This quiz determines the color that will match your personality, all with the few clicks of a button. Skylarpen published on February 06, 2016 Stacked 1/15 What do you like to eat? I'm a vegetarian I'm a carnivore I'm an omnivore (regular diet) 2/15 Are you friendly to others? Yes No In the middle 3/15 How many friends do you have? Very many Little, if not any In the middle, average 4/15 How do you describe yourself? Sporty Nerdy In the middle 5/15 Are you a boy or a girl? Boy Girl 6/15 Brain or brawn? Brain Brawn 7/15 What are your grades in school? All A's A couple B's C's and D's D's and F's 8/15 Favorite fruit? Bananas Apples Watermelon Oranges 9/15 Do you have friends that depend on you? Yes No Some 10/15 What kind of pet do you want? Dog Cat Fish Robo-dog 11/15 Where do you go to school? Private school Public school I'm home schooled 12/15 How old are you? 10-15 15-20 Any higher 13/15 Freebie! What do you want to be? Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Pink 14/15 Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Chicken Egg 15/15 What do you want to be/already are Pop star Sport player Scientist