What's Your Perfect Pet? (1) AmazinglyAmberYT published on February 07 Stacked 1/6 How much time can you dedicate daily to your new pet? An hour A few minutes Several hours outdoors A couple of hours for play I enjoy spending time, but not all day As much time as I can spare! 2/6 What is your ideal pet size? Slim and unique Tiny is fine by me I want something large and majestic Small and cuddly Medium-sized and sleek I love big and friendly animals 3/6 Where do you live? In a cozy spot with space for a tank In a small apartment On a farm In a house with space to roam In a place with windows for lounging In a house with a big yard 4/6 How much interaction do you want daily? Just to observe and admire Minimal interaction is all right I want to spend lots of time bonding Cute interactions are the best I'd like some, but nothing too clingy The more, the better! 5/6 How important are cuddles to you? I'm okay without them Not necessary They're nice but not crucial Cuddles are life! I enjoy them occasionally Very important! I want a snuggle buddy 6/6 What's your budget for pet care? Moderate for occasional supplies Very limited I can afford a larger ongoing expense Reasonable for food and toys I have some flexibility I'm prepared for regular purchases