Are you a hedgehog or a mouse? In this quiz you will find out if you are a hedgehog or mouse? Which are you? Which will you get? Let's find out. anonymous-user-AQIITU published on April 29, 2018 Stacked 1/10 Let's get started. ^^ Are you female or male? (Doesn't effect.) Female. Male. 2/10 Hamburger or a salad. Salad. ? Hamburger. ? Both. Neither. 3/10 Do you prefer to be with people or alone? Depends. With people. *Social butterfly ? Alone. With a small group of Friends. 4/10 What's your fur colour/color? Brown. Black. Gray. Tan. White. Snow White. Multiple colours/colors. 5/10 Fruit or vegetables? Veggies! Fruit! Neither. Cheese!! All of the above. 6/10 How old are you? 10-12. 13-17. Older. Younger. 7/10 Would you want to be a pet or live in the wild? Pet! Wild. Live with people but not be a pet. Unsure. 8/10 Do you like water or like to swim? Hate both. Love water and swimming. Not sure how to answer.. Yes. 9/10 Would you live with human beings? No. Yes. Maybe. Unsure. 10/10 Are you scared easily? I'm scared of everything. Yes. Nope. Nothing scares me.